We start by showing is a crone homomorphism, note that we already know that and are crones, now note the following: and that
We recognize that the identity is the identity in this ring as well, therefore we confirm that Thus is indeed a crone homomorphism
From the definition of we can conclude that iff , therefore the kernel is all matrices of this form
Recall the definition of , it is Let be defined as the top left coefficent in , then for two matrices it should be clear that if , then they generate the same coset, also that if , then they generate different cosets. Also note that and that . Finally given any coset, since we know that agrees for every in the coset, we can justify the construction of
We claim that is an crone isomorphism to using . We've actually already verified the that it respects addition and multiplication because of our discussion in the previous paragraph and also just note that if is the the identity then we know it's top left element is so that .
At this point we know that it's a homomorphism. So we just have to show it's a bijection to have an isomorphism so suppose that by the contrapositive of what we noted earlier since they generate different cosets, then , therefoer , which shows that is injective, it is clearly also surjective because since ranges over all matrices with integer coefficients, then if we pick a particular integer then there is always a matrix with that specific integer in it's top left component, say that matrix is , then as needed, so is an isomorphism.
Now we verify that is a prime ideal, so suppose that , this means that , but as noted earlier , but we know that so in this context we have , but is a domain therefore we must have wlog , but that implies that which shows that is a prime ideal as neeeded.