πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Limit Point
A point x∈Rn is a limit point of AβŠ†Rn if there is a sequence (an):N1β†’A such that limnβ†’βˆžan=x
A set AβŠ†Rn is said to be closed if it contains all of it's limit points
The Set of One over N with Zero is Closed
S:={1n:n∈N1}βˆͺ{0} is closed.
Finite Unions and Arbitrary Intersections are Closed
Suppose A:={Ai:i∈I} where each AiβŠ†Rn is closed, then β‹‚A is closed, and if I is finite, then ⋃A is closed.
A Convergent Sequence With Finite Image Must Converge to a Point in Its Image
Suppose (xn):N1β†’A such that (xn)β†’x then if |{xn:n∈N1}|∈N1 then x∈{xn:n∈N1}
Function on Naturals With Infinite Image Characterization
Suppose that f:N1β†’N1, then im(f) is infinite if and only if βˆ€X,Y∈N1,βˆƒx∈N1Β stΒ xβ‰₯X∧f(x)β‰₯Y
The Image of a Sequence Union and its Limit is Closed
Let (an):N1β†’Rk be a sequence such that (an)β†’a show that A:={an:n∈N1}βˆͺ{a} is closed.
If AβŠ†Rn, then we define A― as the closure of A which is the set consisting of all limit points of A
The Closure is Closed
For any AβŠ†Rn, then A― is closed
Closed iff Equals Closure
Suppose that AβŠ†Rn then A is closed if and only if A―=A
The Closure of a Set is the Smallest Closed Set Containing It
The Closure is the Set of Points with Intersecting Balls
Suppose that AβŠ†Rn then A―={x∈Rn:βˆ€Ο΅βˆˆR+,B(x,Ο΅)∩Aβ‰ βˆ…}
Open Ball
We say that the set B(a,r):={x∈Rn:β€–xβˆ’aβ€–<r} is the ball about a∈Rn of radius r∈R+
We say UβŠ†Rn is open if for every a∈U there is some ϡ∈R+ such that B(a,Ο΅)βŠ†U
The Open Ball is Open
B(a,r) is open.
Open iff Its Complement is Closed
AβŠ†Rn is open if and only if Rn⧡A is closed.
The Arbitrary Union and Finite Intersection of Open sets is Open
Suppose A={Ai:i∈I} then ⋃A is open and if I is finite, then β‹‚A is closed.
AβŠ†Rn is compact if every sequence (an):N1β†’A has a convergent subsequence (aΟƒ(n)) such that limiβ†’βˆžaΟƒ(i)=a and a∈A
SβŠ†Rn is said to be bounded if there exist an R∈R+ such that SβŠ†B(0,R)
Compact Implies Closed and Bounded
If CβŠ†Rn is compact, then C is closed and bounded
A Closed Subset of a Compact Set is Compact
Suppose SβŠ†C where S is closed and S compact, then S is compact
Heine Borel
SβŠ†Rn is compact iff S is closed and bounded
The Finite Union of Compact sets is Compact
Suppose C is a family of compact sets such that |C|β‰₯2 is finite, then ⋃C is compact
The Abitrary Intersection of Compact Sets is Compact
Suppose that C is a family of compact sets such that |C|β‰₯2 , then β‹‚C is a compact set.
Forced Convergence of a Summand
Suppose that (an),(bn),(cn):N1β†’Rn, such that cn=an+bn then if (an),(cn) converge then so does (bn).
The Sum of a Closed Subset and a Compact Subset is Closed
Suppose that L,MβŠ†Rn such that L is closed and M is compact then L+M is closed.

Note that the sum of finitely many compact sets and a single closed set is closed, because (cmpct + (cmpct + ... + (cmpct + closed) ... ) = closed, using the above theorem repeatedly.

The Sum of two Closed sets Might Not be Closed
We claim that {n+1n:n∈N}+{βˆ’n:n∈N1} is not closed.
If every Sub-sub-sequence Converges to the Same Point So does the Original
Suppose that (an):N1β†’Rn, and a∈Rn, such that for every subsequence there exists a sub-subsequence such that that converges to a then (an)β†’a
Divergent Sequence in A Compact Set Must have Two Different Sub-limits
Suppose that (xn):N1β†’KβŠ†Rn where K is compact, then there are two subsequences of this sequence that are convergent to different limit points.
A set A is dense in B if BβŠ†A―
The Irrational Numbers are Dense in R
As per title.
The Rationals Have Empty Interior
As per title.

Note that the above proves that even if a set has empty interior it may not be closed.

The Intersection of an Open and Dense Set is Dense
Suppose that AβŠ†Rn is dense in Rn, then if UβŠ†Rn is open then A∩U is dense in U

Note that this proposition states that once you intersect with an open set, the intersection automatically gets some space (by the epsilon) ball, with knowing if U was open, this would not have worked, because we might not have gotten that space, in particular consider [0,1]βŠ†R which is dense, and U=[1,2] which is not open, then their intersection is {1} which is not dense in [1,2]

Cluster Point
A point x∈Rn is said to be a cluster point of AβŠ†Rn if there exists (an):N1β†’A⧡{x} such that (an)β†’x

Quickly note that every cluster point is a limit point.

Every Limit Point is Either a Cluster Point or Just An Element from the Set
Let x∈AβŠ†Rn be a limit point of A, then x is a cluster point or x∈A.
If a set Contains all Its Cluster Points Its Closed
Suppose AβŠ†Rn contains all its cluster points then A is closed.

Consider the cluster points of Q, since there are infinitely many elements nearby to any other element, then these coincide exactly with the collection of limit points. On the other hand if we consider Z we start to see a difference, for limit points we see that for any z∈Z the constant sequence converges to z, on the other hand such a sequence is not possible for a cluster point as it strictly requires sequences such that output to Z⧡{z} making it impossible to converge there, thus the collection of cluster points is just βˆ… whereas the limit points are still Z. Finally for the set (0,1) the limit points and cluster points are the same, for similar reasons as discussed with Q.