🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Intermediate Value
Suppose f:[a,b]R is continuous and zR such that f(a)<z<f(b) then there exists a point c(a,b) such that f(c)=z
A path in SRn from a to b (elements of S) is the image of a continuous function γ:[0,1]S such that γ(0)=a and γ(1)=b
Intermediate Value for Paths
Suppose that SRn and f is a continuous real-valued function on S. If there is a path from a to b in S and zR such that f(a)<z<f(b) then there is a point c on the path such that f(c)=z
The circle into R is not One to One
Suppose that f is a continuous function from a circle into R then f cannot be one to one.
We can make the Absolute value of a Polynomial as Small as we Want
Let ϵR+ then there exists a δR+ such that |x|<δ|p(x)|<ϵ
We can make the Absolute value of a Polynomial as small as we Want Inverse Edition
Let ϵR+ then there exists a δR+ such that |x|>δ|p(x1)|<ϵ
A Polynomial of Odd Degree has at Least One Root
Any monic polynomial p(x)R[x] such that deg(p)=2k+1 for some kN0 has at least one real root.