🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Limit of a Function
Let SRn and f:SRm. If a is a cluster point of S then a point vRm is the limit of f at a if for every ϵR+ there exists an rR+ such that for any xS we have 0<xa<rf(x)v<ϵ and we write limxaf(x)=v
The reason we want a cluster point is that if it was not a cluster point, and for example if S={1,2,3} and we're looking at the point 1, f is the identity function, and then we claim that limx1f(x)=1 then for any epsilon we can choose r small enough so that no point in the domain other than the point 1 is in the ball, then clearly this holds true, but that's not what we wanted when we designed the idea of a limit, we want to say that points of the function are all getting close to 1, therefore without the added assumption of cluter point, the definition fails the very design we wanted it to have.
Continuity of a Function at a Point
Suppose that SRn and let f be a function f:SRm we say that f is continuous at aS if for every ϵR+ there is some rR+ such that for all xS we have xa<rf(x)f(a)<ϵ
Continuous Function
We say that a function f is continuous if it is continuous for every xdom(f)

The above definition looks very much like the limit of a function, but note the difference, since in the limit we force that 0<xa this means that we don't have a positive implication for when x=a, in fact in such a case the implication is trivial which means that no information is gained in that case, whereas the definition of continuity of a function at a point does not have such a case, and therefore allows for knowledge gain when x=a and in such a case we must also have that f(x)f(a)<ϵ, this implies that our function is actually well behaved at that point.

Discontinuity of a Function at a Point
We say that a function is discontinuous at a point if if it is not continuous there
The Characteristic Function is Discontinuous on the Boundary
Let ARn then χA is discontinuous for every point in A
A function from SRn into Rm is said to be Lipschitz if there exists some CR+ such that for all x,yS f(x)f(y)Cxy the Lipschitz constant of f is the smallest C for which the condition holds.
Every Lipschitz Function is Continuous
As per title.
Lipschitz Condition of Order Alpha
Suppose that f:[a,b]R and αR+ then if there is some MR+ such that for any x,y[a,b] we have |f(x)f(y)|M|xy|α Let lip(α) denote the set of all functions satisfying a lipschitz condition of order α
Base and Exponent in the Range 0 to 1 Inequality
Suppose that a,b(0,1) then b<ba
x to the Alpha is in Lip Alpha
For α(0,1) show that xαlip(α) where xα:R+R+