πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

You can add to get to any Number
Let a,b∈Z, then there exists some k∈Z such that a+k=b
Numbers from Zero to K
Let k∈N0 and define the set Xk:={x∈N0:0≀x≀k}, then |Xk|=k+1
The Number of Integers between Two Integers Inclusive
Let a,b∈Z such that a≀b , then |{x∈Z:a≀x≀b}|=bβˆ’a+1
Pigeon Hole Principle
Suppose that f:Xβ†’Y is between two finite sets and that |X|>|Y|, then there exists some y∈Y and aβ‰ b∈X such that f(a)=f(b)=y
Catalan Numbers
Let n∈N0, then the number of lattice paths from (0,0) to (n,n) which never go above then line y=x is said to be the n-th Catalan Number
Formula For the n-th Catalan Number
Bracket String
A bracket string is a finite tuple (a1,…ak) such that ai∈{(,)}
For example "())))(" is a bracket string.
Valid Bracket String
A bracket string (a1,…,ak) is said to be valid by considering the mapping f:{(,)}β†’{βˆ’1,1} such that for any j∈[1,…k] βˆ‘i=1jf(ai)≀0Β andΒ βˆ‘i=1kf(ai)=0
Bijection Between Valid Bracket Strings and Lattice Paths
For every valid bracket string involving n pairs of brackets, this corresponds to exactly one lattice path from (0,0) to (n,n) which never crosses the diagonal.
Number of Valid Bracketings is Equal to the n-th Catalan Number
The number of distinct arrangement of n pairs of left-right parenthesis which close is equal to C(n)
Counting Stars
Let S be a nonempty set, and * a binary operation on S, called a star. If * is not known to be associative, the expression "the star of a,b,c " (for some a,b,c∈S ) is ambiguous. It could have one of 12 distinct interpretations: (a*b)*ca*(b*c)(a*c)*ba*(c*b)(b*a)*cb*(a*c)(b*c)*ab*(c*a)(c*a)*bc*(a*b)(c*b)*ac*(b*a). For every nβˆˆβ„€+, let M(n) denote the number of distinct interpretations of the expression "the star of a1,a2,…,an " (where a1,a2,…,an are arbitrary elements in S ). Show that M(n)=(2(nβˆ’1))!(nβˆ’1)!