If we want the equation to hold true, we require some such that , since the integers are closed under subtraction, this value works as verfied by the fact that
Numbers from Zero to K
Let and define the set , then
We prove the claim by induction, for the base case if , then thus as needed.
Let , and assume the claim holds for this value, now we want to prove it holds true for . We can see that , thus as needed.
The Number of Integers between Two Integers Inclusive
Let such that , then
We know that there is some such that , therefore we're looking at the set , this set is in clear bijection with the set through the function , therefore our original set has , elements. Moreover which completes the proof.
Pigeon Hole Principle
Suppose that is between two finite sets and that , then there exists some and such that
Catalan Numbers
Let , then the number of lattice paths from to which never go above then line is said to be the -th Catalan Number
Formula For the -th Catalan Number
Bracket String
A bracket string is a finite tuple such that
For example "())))(" is a bracket string.
Valid Bracket String
A bracket string is said to be valid by considering the mapping such that for any
Bijection Between Valid Bracket Strings and Lattice Paths
For every valid bracket string involving pairs of brackets, this corresponds to exactly one lattice path from to which never crosses the diagonal.
Consider the construction of a lattice path from a valid bracket string
If then
If then
We can prove that this is a lattice path not crossing the diagonal by the definition of valid bracket string.
Number of Valid Bracketings is Equal to the -th Catalan Number
The number of distinct arrangement of pairs of left-right parenthesis which close is equal to
This is true because we constructed a bijection valid bracket arrangments and lattice paths, the latter of which we know has size equal to as needed.
Counting Stars
Let be a nonempty set, and a binary operation on , called a star. If is not known to be associative, the expression "the star of " (for some ) is ambiguous. It could have one of 12 distinct interpretations: For every , let denote the number of distinct interpretations of the expression "the star of " (where are arbitrary elements in ). Show that
One can count by first fixing a valid bracket arrangement and then permuting elements with that valid bracket arrangement, moreover note that the star of contains bracket pairs.