🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Set of Coprime Integers
Suppose that nN1 then we define cop(n):={k[1,,n]:gcd(k,n)=1}
Euler's Totient Function
We define it as ϕ:N1C as ϕ(n):=|cop(n)|
We define G(d,n):N1×N1N1 as G(d,n):={k[1,,n]:gcd(k,n)=d}
Bijection between Cops and G's
Let d,nN1 such that dn, |Cd|=|G(nd,n)|
The GCD Sets form a Partition
The collection {G(i,n):i[1,n]} is a partition of [1,,n]
For any nN1 and acop(n) we have aϕ(n)1(modn)
Sum over Coprimes Totient Identity
Let nN3 then kcop(n)k=nϕ(n)2
Sum over Divisors of the Totient function is the Identity
For any nN1 we have ϕ*1=ι, equivalently that is: dnϕ(d)=n