πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Binary Operation
Let S be a set, a binary operation on S is a function ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S where we denote ⋆(a,b) as a⋆b using infix notation

Note the distinction between binary operation and binary relation, a binary operation is a function, which is a binary relation with some extra conditions.

Commutative Binary Operation
A binary operation on a set S such that for any a,b∈S, then a⋆b=b⋆a is called commutative
Associative Binary Operation
A binary operation on a set S such that for any a,b,c∈S, then (a⋆b)⋆c=a⋆(b⋆c) is called associative
Left Fold
Suppose that ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S is a binary operation, and (x1,x2,…xk) be a tuple in N0 for some k∈N1 then foldl(⋆,(x1,x2,…xk)):={(foldl(⋆,(x1,x2,…xkβˆ’1)))⋆xkΒ ifΒ kβ‰₯2x1Β ifΒ k=1

Left fold formalizes the idea that we want to look at objects of the form (((x0⋆x1)⋆x2)⋆⋯⋆xk), we also have a right fold:

Right Fold
Suppose that ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S is a binary operation, and (x1,x2,…xk) be a tuple in N0 for some k∈N1 then foldr(⋆,(x1,x2,…xk)):={x1⋆(foldr(⋆,(x2,…xk)))Β ifΒ kβ‰₯2x1Β ifΒ k=1
Let βŠ• be a binary operation on a set S, and let βŠ—:XΓ—Sβ†’S be a binary function for some set X then we say that βŠ— distributes into βŠ• whenever we have for any a,b∈S and c∈X cβŠ—(aβŠ•b)=(cβŠ—a)βŠ•(cβŠ—b)
Bracket Placement Doesn't Matter for Associative Binary Operations
Suppose that ⋆ is an associative binary operation, then for any nβˆˆβ„€β‰₯3, then no matter how one places the brackets in the product x1⋆x2⋆…⋆xn it always evaluates to the same value
Associativity Implies Folds are Equal
Suppose that ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S is associative, and (x1,…xk) is a tuple in N1, then foldl(⋆,(x1,…xk))=foldr(⋆,(x1,…,xk))
Fold of a Composition Law
Suppose that ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S is a composition law, and (x1,…xk) a tuple in N0 for k∈N1 fold(⋆,(x0,x1,…,xk)):=foldl(⋆,(x0,x1,…,xk))
Sum Fold
Suppose we have +:RΓ—Rβ†’R then and RβŠ†R a finite tuple, then we define βˆ‘R=fold(+,R) in terms of the sum fold
Ellipses Notation
Suppose that ⋆:SΓ—Sβ†’S is a composition law, and (x1,…xk) a tuple in N0 for k∈N1 x1⋆x2⋆⋯⋆xk:=fold(⋆,(x0,x1,…,xk))

Since all bracketings yield the same value, our definition of fold to be the left fold was quite arbitrary. We can also now look at previous things under simpler lights, recall a definition of βˆ‘i=0kai that you're familiar with, this is simply just fold(+,(a0,…,ak))

Composition Law
A composition law is an associative binary operation
Identity Element
Given a set S and a binary relation ⋆, we say that an element e∈S is an identity element on S when for every s∈S,e⋆s=s⋆e=s
Binary Operation has Inverses For an Identity
Given a set S and a binary operation ⋆ on S, that has an identity element e, then we say that ⋆ has inverses for e if for every s∈S, there exists some r∈S such that s⋆r=e
We say that (G,⋆) where G is a set and ⋆ is a composition law on G, when there exists an element e∈G satisfying the following properties:
  • e is an identity element on G
  • inversion: for every a∈G we have some b∈G such that a⋆b=b⋆a=e

note: informally this says that you can do nothing, and you can also undo anything

Trivial Group
A trivial group is a group that has one element
The Integers are a Group
Z,+ form a group

Note that at this point in time we can write things like a+b and that makes sense, if we were to write something like xa+b this should not make sense because at this point we only have one operator, and not a multiplication operator yet, but we can think of xa as "syntactic sugar" for a+a+…+a (with x repetitions) and it's alright.

One Point sets are Form Trivial Groups
Suppose that T is a set such that |T|=1, and ⋆ is a constant composition law, then (T,⋆) forms a group

It should be clear by now that βˆ… is not a group since it cannot have an identity element because there are no elements as candidate for this position. At this point in time we know that in a group there is at least one element e with the above properties, we will now find out that there is exactly one such element.

identity element is unique in a group
Suppose G is a group, then the identity element e is unique
inverse element is unique
Suppose G is a group, and a∈G, then there is a unique element b such that a⋆b=b⋆a=e
Given a group G and a∈G, we denote the unique element b such that a⋆b=b⋆a=e as aβˆ’1 and call it the inverse of a
two inverses cancel
inverse of ab
Given a group G and a,b∈G, then (a⋆b)βˆ’1=bβˆ’1⋆aβˆ’1
Suppose G is a group and a,b,c∈G, then a⋆c=b⋆c⟹a=b and c⋆a=c⋆b⟹a=b, in other words, we can cancel common elements on right and left
Order of a group
The order of a group G denoted by |G| is the cardinality of G
Given a group, if it's composition law is commutative, then we say that the group is abelian
The Integers with Addition are Abelian
Z,+ where + is defined in the usual sense form an abelian group
Cartesian Product of Abelian Groups is Abelian
Let (G,⋆) be an abelian group, then Gn forms an abelian group with the operation βŠ• defined for a,b∈Gn as aβŠ•b:=(a1⋆b1,…,an⋆bn)

Can the above be generalized for any extra group properties?

Multiplicative Notation

Given a group (G,⋆) then since there is only one operation in question, instead of writing the operator between every two pairs of elements we may limit it to ab, to refer to a⋆b to reduce visual clutter

note: since Β· is also a simple thing to write, we may also use it in place of ⋆

Power of an Element
Given a group G and a∈G, then we define an:=aa…a⏞nΒ times for any nβˆˆβ„€>0 and a0:=e, when nβˆˆβ„€<0 then an:=(aβˆ’1)n, thus we've defined an for all nβˆˆβ„€
Power Properties
For all a,b∈G, anam=an+m and (an)m=anm for any m,nβˆˆβ„€
Order of a Group Element
The order of an element a∈G, denoted |a|, is the smallest nβˆˆβ„•1 such that an=e
Suppose G is a group and that a∈G if a has finite order given by n∈N0, then ai=aj iff i % n=j % n
If the power of an element with finite order yields the identity then the order divides the power
Let G be a group and suppose a∈G has order n then if ak=e then n∣k
Suppose that (G,⋆) is a group, then if HβŠ†G is a group under ⋆, then we say that H is a subgroup of G and write Hβ©½G
Let G be a group. Given a non-empty HβŠ†G if abβˆ’1∈H for any a,b∈H, then Hβ©½G

Notice that the equation stated above is special, firstly given two elements in a,b∈H it combines a and bβˆ’1, the special thing here is the bβˆ’1, originally we don't know if this element is a member of H because in the proof we verify if indeed it is a group, and we don't know that inverses exists until we verify them, but we do know when it's combined with bβˆ’1 it produces an element of H.

Note that we need H to be non-empty otherwise the empty set would satisfy the above, and we know that the empty set is not a group. It also helps us bootstrap the proof.

An element of a group has order 1 if and only if x=e
Show that β„š,ℝ,β„‚ are groups under multiplicaiton
The notation ⟨a⟩ denotes the set {an:nβˆˆβ„€}. Then a∈G is said to be a generator of g if and only if G=⟨a⟩
For a positive integer n, all groups of order n are cyclic iff GCD(n, phi(n)) = 1
cyclic group
A group G is considered a cyclic group if and only iff there exists some a∈G such that G=⟨a⟩
cyclic implies abelian
If a group G is cyclic, then it is abelian
power equivalence
For a group G with a∈G, if G has infinite order, then ai=aj if and only if i=j otherwise if G has finite order n then ai=aj if and only if i%n=j%n
gcd generates the same
Suppose G is a group. Let a∈G so that |a|=n, then ⟨ak⟩=⟨agcd(n,k)⟩ and |ak|=ngcd(n,k)
For a group G and a∈G, then |a| divides |G|