If it's the case that then we know and therefore . Now given any we see that so that so that therefore , similarly given any then so that therefore so we have
On the other hand if we know that then what we want to prove is certainly true.
Sometimes people call this dividing, roughly speaking when you divide 20 objects into groups of 4, it's as if each collection of 5 elements became one, which is roughly what happens when you mod out by an equivalence relation.
Unpacking an Equivalence Class
Suppose that is an equivalence relation then for any we define the almost trivial function
The reason why we have the above definition is so that we can mod out by an equivalence relation, and then peel of the equivalence classes to end back up with elements of , in other words , is a collection of "representatives" in .
Given any , then clearly so that , if , then and then , finally if and therefore
Induced Equivalence Relation
Suppose that suppose that we have a relation on , then we can extend it to an equivalence relation by adding the minimal number of tuples to construct so that is an equivalence relation. We denote this by
Suppose that is a set of sets, then is a partial order
It is true that for any set we have , thus it is reflexive, also we know that if then if and we have so it is anti symmetric, finally we already know it is transitive.
Supose that is a partial order, then the smallest element is unique
Suppose that there are two smallest elements since is the smallest then and since is the smallest then by transitivity and so the smallest element is unique.
Suppose that is a partial order, then a subset is defined to be an interval if: and we denote
Intersection of Intervals
The intersection of any collection of intervals in a general ordered set is also an interval.
Let be a collection of intervals in , let's prove is also an interval.
Suppose and for some . We must show that . Since and are in , and is the intersection of all , it follows that:
Since each is an interval, for every we have so that consequently, .