πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Group Homomorphism
Suppose that (G,⋆) and (H,Β·) are groups, then we say that a group homomorphism from (G,⋆) to (H,Β·) is a function Ο•:Gβ†’H such that for any u,v∈G Ο•(u⋆v)=Ο•(u)Β·Ο•(v)

Note that a homomorphism is an isomorphism without the bijective requirement.

The order of The Mapped Element Divides the Original
Suppose that |g| is finite, then |Ο•(g)| divides |g|
Kernel of a Homomorphism
The kernel of a homomorphism from the group G to the identity eH of H is the set {g∈G:Ο•(g)=eH}=Ο•βˆ’1({eH})
Right Iterated Binary Operation
Suppose that (⋆,G,⋆) is a group, then we define right_iter(⋆,g,n)={gΒ ifΒ n=0⋆(g,right_iter(⋆,g,nβˆ’1))Β ifΒ n∈N1
Left Iterated Binary Operation
Suppose that (G,⋆) is a group, then we define left_iter(⋆,g,n)={gΒ ifΒ n=0⋆(left_iter(⋆,g,nβˆ’1),g)Β ifΒ n∈N1

The above can be generalized to operate on sequences of elements of g.

Associative Implies Left Equals Right Iteration
Suppose that ⋆ is associative, then for any g∈G we have left_iter(⋆,g,n)=right_iter(⋆,g,n)
Binary Iteration
Let ⋆ be a binary operation such that right_iter(⋆,g,n)=left_iter(⋆,g,n) then we define iter(⋆,g,n)=right_iter(⋆,g,n)
Left Tuples as Iteration
Let + be the standard addition on ZΓ—Z, then (m,0)=iter(+,(1,0),m)
Right Tuples as Iteration
Let + be the standard addition on ZΓ—Z, then (0,m)=iter(+,(0,1),m)
Iterated Homomorphism
Let Ο• be a homomorphism between (G,⋆) and (H,Β·) Ο•(right_iter(⋆,g,n))=right_iter(Β·,Ο•(g),n)
Addition Factors Through Homomorphism on Cartesian Product of The Integers
Homomorphism Between a Group and it's Cartesian Product
Suppose that Ο•:ZΓ—Zβ†’Z is a homomorphism between (ZΓ—Z,βŠ•) and (Z,+) then for any m,n∈Z we have Ο•((m,n))=mΟ•((1,0))+nΟ•((0,1))
Finding Group Homomorphisms
Find all group homomorphisms ϕ:Z×Z→Z
The Image of a Homomorphism is Abelian iff It's Kernel Contains the Subgroup Generated by xyxβˆ’1yβˆ’1
Suppose that Ο•:Gβ†’H is a group homomorphism. Then im(Ο•) is abelian iff [G,G]βŠ†ker(Ο•)