🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Linear Combination
A linear combination of the vectors {v1,,vm} of vectors in a vector space V is: a1v1++amvm where a1,,am𝔽
The set of all linear combinations of the vectors {v1,,vm}V (where V is a vector space) called the span of {v1,,vm} and we define the notation: span({v1,...,vm}):={a1v1++amvm:a1,...,amF} we define span():={0}
Linearly Independent
A set of vectors {v1,,vm}V is said to be linearly independent if the only solution to i=1maivi=0 is i{1,...,m},ai=0. We define to be linearly independent.
General Linear Independence
A set SV is said to be generally linearly independent if for every every finite subset FS, F is linearly indepenent
Spanning Set
Suppose that V is a vector space, then we say that S is a spanning set of V if span(S)=V
Linearly Independent iff Unique Representation
{v1,,vm} is linearly independent iff each vector in the set {v1,,vm} has only one representation as a linear combination of {v1,,vm}
Linearly Dependent
{v1,,vm}V is said to be linearly dependent if it is not linearly independent
Linearly Depedent iff Zero has a Non-Trivial Representation
{v1,,vm}V is linearly dependent iff there exists a1,,amF and i[1,m] where ai0 such that i=1maivi=0