🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

A partition of [a,b] is a finite tuple sorted in ascending order P=(x1,x2,xn+1) such that a=x1 and b=xn+1
Refinement of a Partition
A partition R is a refinement of a partition P if PR
Common Refinement
Suppose that P,Q are partitions, then R is a common refinement of P and Q if R is a refinement of PQ
i-th Section of a Partition
Suppose that P=(x1,xn+1) is a partition, then for each i[1,,n] we define si:=[xi,xi+1]
Supremum of a Bounded Function on a Section
Suppose that f:[a,b]R and that P=(x1,,xn+1) is a partition of [a,b] then for each i[1,,n] we have Mi(f,P)=sup({f(x):x[xi,xi+1]})
i-th Delta of a Partition
Suppose that P=(x1,,xn+1) is a partition, then for each i[1,n] we define: Δi=xi+1xi

Note that if a partition has k elements then there will be k1 deltas.

A Delta Sum Telescopes
Suppose that P=(x1,,xn+1) is a partition of [a,b] then i=1nΔi=ba
Mesh of a Partition
Suppose that P is a partition of [a,b] such that |P|=n+1 for some nN0 then mesh(P)=max({Δi:i[1,,n]})
Upper Sum of a Bounded Function over a Partition
Suppose that f:[a,b]R is bounded, and that P is a partition of [a,b] then we define U(f,P):=j=1nMj(f,P)Δj
Lower Sum of a Bounded Function over a Partition
Suppose that f:[a,b]R is bounded, and that P is a partition of [a,b] then we define L(f,P):=j=1nmj(f,P)Δj
Upper Sum Decreases over Refinements
Suppose that PR then U(f,P)U(f,R)
Lower Sum Decreases over Refinements
Suppose that PR then L(f,P)L(f,R)
Riemann Integrable
Suppose that f:[a,b]R is bounded, then we say that it is Riemann integrable if supP(L(f,P))=infQ(U(f,Q)) In that case we write abf(x)dx as their common value
Riemann Integrable Characterizations
Let f(x) be bounded on [a,b] then the following are equivalent
  • f is Riemann integrable
  • For each ϵR+ there is a partition P such that
  • U(f,P)L(f,P)<ϵ
  • For every ϵR+ there is some δR+ such that for every partition Q such that mesh(Q)<δ wherein
  • U(f,Q)L(f,Q)<ϵ
  • There exists an IR such that for every ϵR+ there is a δR+ such that for every partition Q with mesh(Q)<δ and every evaluation sequence X of Q we have
  • |I(f,Q,X)I|<ϵ and in that case I=abf(x)dx

Note that bullet point 2 is a the most tractable for explicit functions, as one can construct a partition that works for a given function.

Jump Discontinuity
Suppose f:[a,b]R, and c(a,b) then if limxc+f(x)limxcf(x) then we say that f has a jump discontinuity at c
Function Difference Set is the Same as its Negative
Suppose that f:AR and define F={f(x)f(y):x,yA}, then F=F
Supremum of the Function Difference Set is the Same with Absolute Values
Let f:AR and define F={f(x)f(y):x,yA} then sup(F)=sup(|F|)
Supremum of the Sum of Two Functions is Less than or Equal to the Sum of the Supremums
Suppose that f,g:AR then sup({f(x)+g(x):xA})sup({f(x):xA})+sup({g(x):xA})
Supremum of the Sum of two Functions is the Same as the Sum of the Supremums if the Variables are Independent
Suppose that f,g:AR then sup({f(x)+g(y):x,yA})=sup({f(x):xA})+sup({g(x):xA})
Bound on the Upper minus Lower Sum for The Same Partition
Suppose that f:[a,b]R is bounded, and let P={x1,,xn+1} be a partition of [a,b] then we have that U(f,P)L(f,P)2f(ba)
Piecewise Continuous
A function f:[a,b]R is called piecewise continuous if for every [c,d][a,b] if it only has a finite number of discontinuities all of which are jump discontinuities
Riemann Integrable on Two Parts of the Interval Means Riemann Integrable on the Whole Interval
Suppose that f:[a,b]R and let x[a,b] then if f restricted to [a,x] and f restricted to [x,b] (which we denote as g1,g2) are both riemann integrable then so is f on [a,b] and then abf(x)dx=axf(x)dx+xbf(x)dx
Every Piecewise Continuous Function is Riemann Integrable