πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Upper Bound
Given SβŠ†P where P is a partial order, then u∈P is said to be an upper bound iff βˆ€s∈S,s≀u. we say that S is bounded above by u
Lower Bound
Given SβŠ†P where P is a partial order , then l∈P is said to be an lower bound iff βˆ€s∈S,l≀s, in this case we say that S is bounded below by l.
A set SβŠ†P where P is a partial order, then P is said to be bounded if it is bounded above and bounded below
Bounded Function
we say that f:Xβ†’R is bounded on SβŠ†X when f(S) is bounded
The infimum of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is the greatest element in P that is a lower bound of S and is denoted by inf(S). Symbolically this means that βˆ€s∈S,sβ‰₯inf(S), and if k is a lower bound, then k≀inf(S)
The supremum of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is the least element in P that is a upper bound of S and is denoted by sup(S). Symbolically this means that βˆ€s∈S,s≀sup(S), and if k is a upper bound, then kβ‰₯sup(S)
Supremum of Suprema Is the Same as Their Union
Suppose P is a partially ordered set and that TβŠ†P(P) and that for each S∈T,sup(S) exists in P, then if sup(⋃T)Β existsΒ andΒ equalsΒ x⟺sup({sup(S):S∈T})Β existsΒ andΒ equalsΒ x

We may also denote the infimum as the GLB (greatest lower bound) and the supremum as the LUB (least upper bound), note that not all sets have a LUB or a GLB.

Supremum is Unique
As per title.
Greater than Infimum Implies Not a Lower Bound
Suppose that inf(S)<x, then x is not an lower bound of S
less than sup implies not an upper bound
if x<sup(S), then x is not a upper bound of S
Infimum or Supremum of a Set may not be part of Itself
Given a set S it's possible that inf(S)βˆ‰S or sup(S)βˆ‰S
Maximum Value
Given a set S a maximum value is an element s∈S such that for every sβ€²βˆˆS,s′≀s

One way of thinking of the maximum value is that the set S contains one of it's upper bounds.

Least Upper Bound Property
We say that a partially ordered set X has the least upper bound property if every non-empty subset of X that has an upper bound, has a least upper bound in X, moreover it is unique. Symbolically that is, if SβŠ†X and Sβ‰ βˆ…, if S has an upper bound, then sup(S)∈S
If an Upper Bound is Contained in the Set it is the Supremum
As per title.
Maximum Value iff Contains Sup
A set S has a maximum value given by sup(S) iff sup(S)∈S
A Number is Greater than the Other iff the Difference is Positive
Suppose that a,b∈R then a<b⟺0<bβˆ’a
Multiplying an Inequality by Minus One Flips it
Suppose that a,b∈R then a<bβŸΊβˆ’a>βˆ’b
Negative of a Set
Suppose that SβŠ†R then we define βˆ’S={βˆ’s:s∈S}
Negative of Infimum is Supremum of Negatives
Let βˆ…β‰ SβŠ†R, be bounded below, then βˆ’inf(S)=sup(βˆ’S)
If a Set Equals its Negative Then its Absolute Value is Its Non-Negative Half
Suppose that XβŠ†R and that X=βˆ’X then |X|=X∩Rβ‰₯0
If a Set Equals its Negative the Sup of the Absolute value and the Original Set are the Same
Suppose that XβŠ†R and that X=βˆ’X then sup(|X|)=sup(X)
Half Length Interval
Let a,b∈R such that a<b, and set M=a+b2, then β„“([a,M])=β„“([M,b])=β„“([a,b])2
R has the Least Upper Bound Property