Let be a sequence and let , then we say that converges to and write when the following holds true
Note that you may come across various other notations for this definition in other resources, the main ones to note will be: as , or even more shortened as , sometimes limit notation will be used: or just
Suppose , now let , and consider , then since we get some such that for every we have as needed. Assume the other direction, and we want to prove so let therefore we get an such that for all we have as needed.
Limit Notation
Suppose that then we write
Note that if you have an arbitrary sequence which you don't know if it converges to anything and you write for some , this is two assertions, first that converges to something, and the value it converges to is .
Eventually Increasing Index Mapping Maintains Limit
Suppose that and is an eventually increasing function, then
Reciprocal Power Goes to Zero
Let be the sequence such that for some , then
Let , we need to pick an such that for we have that , it's clear that so therefore we can drop the absolute values so we just need an that satisfies By setting then we have that for any So that as needed.
Limit of Sine Doesn't Exist at Infinity
Show that doesn't exist using the definition of limit.
To show that the limit doesn't exist we will use the negation of the definition and show that is true, so we have to prove that So let and take let .
Before finding our value, consider sequence , and that .
Now to find our value we look at the requirement that which means that it's not true that , so that in other words , due to the fact that then given that then exactly one of is not in therefore we can set respectively to force as needed.
Non-Zero Limit Implies Eventually Non-Zero Sequence
Suppose that then there exists some such that for all .
Suppose for the sake of contradiction that that was not true, so that for every we had some such that , let's derive a contradiction.
Since then specifically for we have some such that for every we have , therefore by our contradiction assumption we also know there is some such that so therefore because the limit exists we have but so that which is impossible so therefore we have a contradiction and so the original statement holds true.
Sequence Goes to Positive Infinity
We say that a sequence goes to positive infinity and notate it as when
You can probably guess the next definition.
Sequence Goes to Negative Infinity
We say that a sequence goes to negative infinity and notate it as when
Note that these definitions formalize our idea that if something approaches infinity, namely that this object is greater (or smaller) than every possible other object.
Let and take and let therefore for some since is increasing then we know that so that as needed therefore it goes to infinity
Two Limits that get Arbitrarily Close Have the Same Limit
Suppose htat are sequence of real numbers such that . If exists, then as well
Let we need to pick an such that for every we have that .
Since then we can set for any function of our choosing, to get some such that for any we have
Morover note that for this given we can always find a such that where is of our choosing, By picking we know that
to obtain the desired inequality one would have to pick such that , a simple choice of yields
Bounded Sequence
Suppose that , is a sequence, then we say that it is bounded when there exists some such that for any we have
If a Sequence Converges it is Bounded
Suppose that then is bounded
Let since converges then we know that there is some such that for all we have , therefore
Set and we define , then it should be clear that for any we have
Finally, we can see that the value has the property so that for any so that is bounded.
Pointwise Function Sequence
Suppose that are functions, of the form then it's pointwise function sequence at is defined as the sequence denoted by
Pointwise Function Convergence
Suppoes that is a sequence of functions of the form and we have another function then we say that converges pointwise to whenever the pointwise function sequence converges to
Squeeze Theorem
Suppose that are all sequences such that for all we have Moreover suppose that , then
Let , because the limits of exist, then we get such that for any we have and for any we have .
Recall that these two inequalities are equivalent to and . Therefore by setting then for any both of the aformentioned inequalities hold true, showing that which is to say that
Suppose that is a sequence, then we define another sequence and then we define the limsup of as
Suppose that is a sequence, then we define another sequence and then we define the liminf of as
limsup Exists iff the Sequence is Bounded Above
As per title.
A Sequence Eventually gets Close to Limsups Limit
Let and suppose that , then for any there exists an such that for any
Let then there exists an such that which is true if and only if thus since by transitivity we know that
Convergence iff Lim Sup and Inf are Equal
Define and .
Now suppose that , since , then as they are defined as upper and lower bounds, we have for all then by the squeeze theorem .
Now suppose that , and let's prove , let , therefore we get an such that for every we have iff , thus and are upper and lower bounds of respectively, since the sup and the inf are the lest and greatest of their bounds respectively so we have that and combining the two we obtain which is equivalent to both therefore
Sum Law
Suppose that and exist, then
Cauchy with Converging Subsequence Implies Entire Sequence Converges
Let be a cauchy sequence and a subsequence such that then .
Let , since is cauchy we obtain some such that for any , on the other hand we see that there is some such that for all we have , so let and let , consider , we will want this value to be greater or equal to so we can use it in-place of , if it turns out that then since is increasing there exists some such that , then note:
Strictly Increasing Natural Number Function Surpasses All Values
Suppose is increasing, then for any there exists an such that
Before we start this proof, note that for any we have that which means that which is to say that , running with this we can generalize this to say that for any
With that in mind, if we are done, so then suppose that , let but then we know that adding to both sides tells us that as needed.
For all, There Exists Past a Point Yields Ordered Satisfaction
Suppose that you know the following statement holds true: where is strictly increasing. Then there exists an order sequence of values in where such that
Plugging in we obtain some such that for all we have , let note that since we have
Now for any we similarly get an such that for all we have , now consider the value , we'd like to set to it, but we have no idea if , but since we do know that then since is increasing we know that there is a value for some such that , since then clearly holds true, and thus we define , so that also holds. Notice that we've also just proven that making them increasing.
Limit to a Limit
Suppose and that are real numbers such that , if for each there is a subsequence of converging to show that some subsequence of converges to .
We will construct a subsequence such that . By doing so, we will have solved the problem, because for any there is always a such that which shows that by transitivity.
Let since then by considering we know that there is an such that for all we have , now consider any , thus we know that .
Now since then there exists a subsequence , therefore using we get a such that for all , therefore we have
Initially it might seem as simple as taking the subsequence but there's no guarentee that this subsequence has increasing indices (which is a requirement of a subsequence), therefore we need more work.
Condensing what we've proven above, we've shown that
Where , and since defines a subsequence then it is strictly increasing, therefore there exists an ordered sequence such that which is to say that so that the following subsequence works or in another notation with we are using the subsequence
Telescoping Triangle Inequality
Let and be a sequence, then we have the following
which is obtained by using the fact that we can insert into the absolute value and then use the triangle inequality to break it, the general result is proven using induction using this fact in the induction step.
Series of Differences Converges Implies Cauchy
Let be a sequence such that , show that is cauchy.
Let and set since we we assumed that exists, then the sequence is cauchy so we get some such that for any and take and let , and without loss of generality assume that where we've used the generalized triangle inequality and the fact that is increasing, as each higher index adds a non-negative element to the sum.
Cauchy Sequence Implies Subsequence with Convergent Differences
If is cauchy, show that it has a subsequence such that
Recall that a geometric series of halves is bounded, and thus we're inspired to try to make each , call this property .
Let's construct this subsequence, for any consider , then we get an such that for all , and consider the sequence , we'll show it satisfies .
Let , and consider , in the case that then note that (where ), in the case that we also get that so is satisfied for this subsequence. Therefore as needed.
Zig-Zag Sequence has Nested Bound
Suppose that is a sequence such that for all then for any
Proven by induction.
Zig-Zag Sequence is Cauchy iff Differences go to Zero
Suppose that is a sequence such that for all , then this sequence is cauchy iff .
this direction is easy, let , since is cauchy we get some such that for all , and so take then specifically for we have that as needed.
Assume that and now we want to prove that is cauchy so let and so we obtain some such that for any we have that take and let by our lemma, we see that , but then again since we see that and therefore as needed.
Monotone Increasing Sequence
A sequence is said to be monotone increasing whenever we have: for any
Monotone Decreasing Sequence
A sequence is said to be monotone decreasing whenever we have: for any
Bounded Above and Monotone Increasing Converges to Supremum
A monotone increasing sequence that is bounded above converges to
Since is bounded above, then so is therefore since has the least upper bound property, we know that exists, call it and we'll prove that converges there.
Let by definition of the supremum we know that is not an upper bound for , in other words there exists some element such that
Since is increasing, we know that for any , moreover is an upperbound so that we get therefore , therefore as needed.
Bounded Below and Monotone Decreasing Converges to Infimum
A monotone decreasing sequence that is bounded below converges to
If is decreasing and bounded below by , then the sequence is increasing and bounded above by . Thus the sequence has limit recall that So that . Then note that implies that so we conclude that as needed.
Nested Square Root Twos
Consider the sequence defined as follows for
for every
Show that it converges
One way to show that it converges would to be the use the MCT for monotone increasing sequences. We start by showing that it is monotone increasing by showing it is strictly increasing.
For the base case we need to verify that which is equivalent to showing that this is true because is order preserving and we know that because .
For the induction step assume that and we'll prove that . Note that by the induction hypothesis we can see that , thus we have that as needed.
We'll move on to showing that it is bounded now, to do so we claim that is an upper bound, we'll show it is by induction, so for we see that , now assuming it's true for we'll show that . We note that and thus by the induction hypothesis we have , but note that thus chaining inequalities we obtain as needed, the choice of was inspired by thinking ahead to induction, what we would have to prove and figuring out what it can be upper bounded.
Since we've shown monotone increasing and bounded above, then the sequence converges to some , if that's true then because therefore so that so by the quadratic formula we have but since for all then we know that and therefore specifically it converges to
Inequality From Sequence to Limit
Suppose are converging sequences such that for all then
Nested Intervals
Suppose that are nonempty closed intervals such that for every , then
Since then we know that for any and therefore we conclude that is monotone increasing and that is monotone decreasing. Also note that and so that by transitivity we obtain and which is to say that is bounded above and that is bounded below.
Therefore from both versions of the montone convergence theorem we see that and converge to respectively and from the above proposition we see that
By the definition of the supremum and infimum, we also have that for all meaning that belongs to , so that and so it must not be empty.
Every bounded sequence of real numbers has a convergent subsequence.
Let be bounded by , therefore . If is an interval containing infinitely man points of ths equence and then at least one of has infinitely many elements or we would have a contradiction.
With that in mind we construct the following sequence of intervals
where and
Consider and
If is infinite then
If is infinite then
If both are infinite just use
We now construct a subsequence as follows: Since every is infinite then we know there is some , this defines a function such that and we use this to make our subsequence
We will now show that this subsequence converges. Note that by construction we see that for all , and that each is non-empty, so that by the nested intervals lemma there exists an , let's show that the subsequence converges there. Moreover note that
Let then there exists some such that and thus by definition of we have and thus which shows that