πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Arithmetic Function
An arithmetic function f is a function such that dom(f)=N1
Divisor Counting Function
Let n∈N1 and define Ο„(n):=|{d∈N1:d∣n}|
Equation for the Divisor Counting Function
Suppose that n∈N2 so that n=∏i∈N1piΞ±i then Ο„(n)=∏i∈N(Ξ±i+1)
Divisor Sum Function
Let n∈N1 and define Οƒ(n)=βˆ‘{d∈N1:d∣n} the above notation is a sum fold
Equation for the Divisor Sum Function
Suppose that n∈N2 so that n=∏i=1kpiΞ±i then Οƒ(n)=∏i=1kpiΞ±iβˆ’1piβˆ’1
Suppose that f:N1β†’CβŠ†C is arithmetic, then we say that f is multiplicative if for every coprime n,m∈N1 we have f(nm)=f(n)f(m)
Multiplicative Functions that map 1 to 0 Are the Constant 0 Function
Suppose that f:N1β†’C is multiplicative then if f(1)=0 then we have f(n)=0 for every n∈N1
Non-Zero Multiplicative Functions map 1 to 1
Suppose that f:N1β†’C is non-zero multiplicative then f(1)=1
Totally Multiplicative
Suppose that f:N1β†’CβŠ†C is arithmetic, then we say that f is totally multiplicative if for n,m∈N1 we have f(nm)=f(n)f(m)
The Base Function is Totally Multiplicative
As per title.

Notice that this is the same as multiplicative but without the coprime condition.

When the Constant Function is Multiplicative
The constant function is multiplicative if and only if c∈{0,1}
The Product of Two Multiplicative Functions is Multiplicative
Suppose that f,g:N1β†’C be multiplicative then so is fΒ·g
Nowhere Zero
We say that a function is nowhere zero if 0βˆ‰im(f)
The Quotient of Two Multiplicative Functions is Multiplicative
Suppose that f,g:N1β†’C be multiplicative and that g is nowhere zero then fg is multiplicative
Two Multiplicative Functions are Equal if they Agree on Prime Powers
Suppose that f,g:N1β†’C are multiplicative such that f(1)=g(1) then if for any p∈P and k∈N1 we have f(pk)=g(pk) then f=g
Sum of Reciprocals of Divisors Equation
Show that Οƒ(n)n=βˆ‘d∣n1d
The Sum of a Multiplicative Function over Divisors of a Number is Multiplicative
Let f:N1β†’C be multiplicative and set F(n)=βˆ‘d∣nf(d) is multiplicative
Dirichlet Convolution
Suppose f,g:Nβ†’C are arithmetic then the Dirichlet Convolution of f and g denoted f*g is defined as (f*g)(n):=βˆ‘d∣nf(d)g(nd)
The Dirichlet Convolution of two Multiplicative Functions is Multiplicative
Let f,g:N1β†’C be multiplicative, then f*g is multiplicative
The Dirichlet Convolution Identity
Suppose we define Ο΅:N1β†’C so that Ο΅(n):={1Β ifΒ n=10Β otherwiseΒ 
The Dirichlet Identity is Completely Multiplicative
As per title.
The Dirichlet Identity is an Identity
Suppose that f is an arithmetic function, then f*Ο΅=Ο΅*f=f