suppose that such that , then the greatest common divisor of and notated as is the largest positive integer that divides each of
GCD's Characterization
Let , and let sugh that and if and only if
Note that since we may use on the right hand side of the implication
GCD is a Linear Combination
For any , there exist integers such that , moreover is the smallest such positive integer of the form
Define , we first note that cannot be empty. The only way it could be empty would be if that given any choice of we have , but if that's the case we can always see that and note that , which shows that there is an element in .
Since , the well ordering principle tells us that there is some smallest element of , say . We will prove that .
By the quotient remainder theorem, we have some such that where , from here we can see that at this point in time if , then we would have a contradiction because would be a value smaller than that is an element of , but we assumed that was the smallest such element. Therefore, the only way forward is that
If , then meaning that divides , by copying the above text and replacing the variable with we obtain a proof that divides as well. To complete showing that we need to prove that is the smallest divisor.
Suppose that is another common divisor of , then we have , such that and , from 's definition we see , this shows that so that showing that is the largest divisor and we conclude
Relatively Prime implies there is a Linear Combination of One
If are relatively prime, then there exists such that
By the definition of being reliatively prime, we know that , then we know that there are integers such that
Factoring GCD
For any such that we have
Forced Division through GCD
Suppose we have and that , then if then
The gcd is a linear combination, and therefore so that since then we have some such that therefore so that so therefore
If you Can find a Linear Combination that Yields One, then Their gcd is one
Let , there exists such that if and only if
Suppose we have a such that then we know that , therefore , therefore by definition . We know this because gcd is a linear combination
Suppose and let and consider and since we know that we've proven the statement true
Non Trivial Divisors
Let such that then we define
Non Trivial Divisors Don't Change with the Sign Changes
For any
Non Trivial Divisors is a Subset of 2 up to The Number
For any such that then we have
The Non Trivial Divisors of n Factorial Plus or Minus One
Suppose that then
Let then we know that but if then we already know that which is a contradiction, therefore we must have that as needed.
Common Divisor Set
Suppose that then we define
Common Divisors as the Intersection of the Non Trivial Divisors
Suppose that then
Note that it follows that you can flip the sign and the common divisors don't change, this also shows that it can be done in the gcd, TODO add a proof of this.
Common Divisor Set is Bounded Above
Add a multiple of the other Yields Same Common Divisors
For any
Suppose therefore as needed. now suppose that since then and therefore therefore
No Common Non Trivial Divisors Implies Relatively Prime
Suppose then
Superset Divisors Implies Greater GCD
For any
For any then therefore we have so that as needed.
Same Divisors Implies same GCD
Suppose that , then
Since then we know that and that so that we have and so that as needed.
Add a multiple of the other Yields same GCD
For any we have
Since the common divisors are the same, then the gcd of the two is the same
Let then
Suppose that there existed some such that and then we would havewhich implies that which is a contradiction, thus the only divisor of and is one, so that
Division by Individuals Implies Division by Product when GCD is one
Suppose then
The gcd is a linear combintion of so for some but then but recall that and so we have such that and subbing each of these equations into the above equation we have so therefore so that as needed.
are said to be coprime if the only positive integer that divides them is .
Coprime GCD Characterization
are coprime if and only if
If are coprime, then and therefore as needed. if then the only positive integer that divides them is because if some other positive integer divided both of them then which would be a contradiction.
Least Common Multiple
Suppose that then the least common multiple of and notated as is the smallest positive integer such that
Least Common Multiple Characterization
The lcm is the unique number satisfying
For every
Similarly we may replace with since it implies .
GCD and LCM Connection
For simplicity let denote the the gcd and lcm respectively, then we're trying to prove that we'll do that using the characterization, so note that and that since divides both by definition, thus .
Now suppose that there is some such that in other words there exists some such that we'll show that . Recall that and so we get some such that and therfore
The above equation shows that and , but note that therefore by the previous proposition we must have that and therefore there is some such that thus finally therefore so that . Therefore and thus as needed.
Divisor Function is a Bijection if Relatively Prime
For let denote its set of positive divisors , prove that for any that defined as is well defined, and is a bijection if
Recall that a function is well defined if given two equal inputs it cannot map to a different value, this is true simply because for any is equal to exactly one value. Additionally note that given a divisor of and a divisor of then their product divides so under the given definition it respects the functions signature.
Now suppose that we want to prove that is a bijection. First we show that it is injective, so suppose that and we will prove that the first equality we assumed really means that , but we also know that and that therefore we know that but from the equation we see that so that , but on the other hand so that so we conclude that similarly we conclude that so that as needed.
Now we show that it is surjective so let we need to find a that gets mapped to since then we know that since then where are divisors of respectively, thus