🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

x Squared is Congruent to 1 iff x is Congruent to Plus or Minus One Mod p
Quadratic's Little
Let pP3 and prove that for any aZ such that pa we have ap12±1(modp)
Number of Solutions to x Squared Congruent to Minus One Mod p
The equation x2(1)(modp) has two solutions explicitly given by ±(p12)! (which are incongruent mod p ) iff p=4k+1
Incongruent mod 37
Obtain all incongruent solutions to the quadratic congruence x21(mod37)
a Squared b Squared
Suppose that pP3 and that pa2+b2 such that a,bZ are coprime, prove that p is of the form 4k+1
Number of Solutions to a Quadratic Congruence
  • has two solutions if p is odd