πŸ—οΈ Ξ˜ΟΟ΅Ξ·Ξ Ξ±Ο„Ο€πŸš§ (under construction)

Fix an integer m called the modulus, then say a≑b(modm) if and only if m|bβˆ’a

It is not immediately clear why we prefer the above definition, it's most important property follows below:

congruence iff same remainder
a,bβˆˆβ„€ are congruent modulo m if and only if a%m =b%m

note: this means that a and b have the same remainder upon division by m

Congruence Commutes
Let a,b,m∈Z then a≑b(modm)⟺b≑a(modm)
Division iff Congruent Mod 0
Let a,b∈Z such that aβ‰ 0, then a∣b⟺b≑0(moda)
Congruence is Transitive
Let a,b,c,mβˆˆβ„€ such that a≑b(modm) and b≑c(modm), then we have that a≑c(modm)
Sum of Two Congruent Numbers are Congruent
Suppose that a≑b(modm) and that c≑d(modm) then we know that a+c≑b+d(modm)
Product of Two Congruent Numbers is Congruent
Suppose that a≑b(modm) and that c≑d(modm) then we know that ac≑bd(modm)

Note that we don't have the same theorem about division, we can observe that in general this is false, because any odd square has remainder 1, upon division by four, so that 52≑32(mod4) but we can see that 5≑3(mod4) is false.

Congruent Numbers raised to Congruent Powers may not be Congruent
Suppose that a≑b(modn) and c≑d(modn), then its NOT true that ac≑bd(modn)
If two Two Numbers are Congruent, they are still Congruent mod a divisor of the Original Mod
Suppose that a≑b(modn) and m∣n then a≑b(modm)

Note that if instead we required that n∣m then the above would not be true because we see that 3≑6(mod3) but 3β‰’6(mod6)

If Two Numbers are Congruent Using Two Different Moduli they are Congruent Using the LCM
Suppose that a≑b(modn) and that a≑b(modm) then a≑b(modlcm(n,m))
Switching Prime Powers
Let pβ‰ q∈P then pqβˆ’1+qpβˆ’1≑1(modpq)
a p q
Suppose that a∈Z and that pβ‰ q∈P, then apqβˆ’apβˆ’aq+a≑0(modpq)
Division by a Common Factor Maintains Congruence
Suppose that a≑b(modm) then if k∣a,b,m then we have that ak≑bk(modmk)
Division by a Common Factor Maintains Congruence if Mod is Divided by GCD
Let a,b,m,k∈Z such that kβ‰ 0 and suppose that a≑b(modm) then if k∣a,b then ak≑bk(modmgcd(m,k))
Multiplicative Cancellation if Mod Prime
Suppose that p is prime and that ka≑kb(modp) and p∀k then a≑b(modp)
n Consecutive Numbers have Unique Remainders Mod n
For any m∈N1 βˆ€x,y∈[0,…mβˆ’1],(xβ‰ y⟺xβ‰’y(modm))
When a Linear Modular Equation has a Solution
The equation ax≑b(modm) has a solution iff gcd(a,m)∣b
Relatively Prime Modular Equation has a Solution
Suppose that we have the equation: ax≑b(modm) where gcd(a,m)=1 then it has a solution.
Modular Inverse
Given a,m∈Z we say that an integer x∈Z is a the modular inverse for a mod m when: aΒ·x≑1(modm)

When a given number has an inverse we say that it is invertible.

When a Rational Can be Converted to a Modular Inverse
Suppose that a,b∈Z and m∈N1 such that b is invertible mod m and ab∈Z then: aΒ·bβˆ’1≑ab(modm) where the right hand side is interpreted as division of integers.
2p Choose p
Prove that (2pp)≑2(modp)
Every Non Zero Number is Invertible Mod a Prime
For any p∈P a∈Z such that p∀a there exists b∈[1,…,pβˆ’1] such that ab≑1(modp)
A Linear Modular Equation with a Solution has GCD many Solutions
Suppose that ax≑b(modm) has a solution x0 , then it has exactly g:=gcd(a,m) solutions mod m. Moreover the unique solutions are given by the remainders of x0,x0+1mg,x0+2mg,…,x0+(gβˆ’1)mg when taken mod m

Note that modulo a prime, since the gcd is always one, then this shows that every element has a unique inverse mod p.

24 and 60
Find all incongruent solutions of the linear congruence given by 24x≑60(mod102)
Chinese Remainder
Suppose that for some l∈N1 we have that x≑ci(modmi) for each i∈[1,…,l] such that for any i<j∈[1,…,l] we have gcd(mi,mj)=1, then there is a unique x satisfying the modular equations (mod∏i=1lmi)
Seven Divides Ones and Threes
Show that 7∣(111333+333111)
Alternating Congruence Again
Prove that 39∣(53103+10353)
43 Divides a Sum of Powers of 6 and 7
Show that 43∣(6n+2+72n+1)
Remainder of a Sum of Powers
Find (βˆ‘i=1100i5)Β %Β 4
Remainder of a Sum of Factorials
Determine (βˆ‘i=1100i!)Β %Β 15
Modular Inverse iff GCD 1
Suppose that a,m∈Z and that a has a modular inverse mod m, iff gcd(a,m)=1.
Not Relatively Prime iff No Modular Inverse
gcd(a,m)β‰ 1 iff a doesn't have an inverse mod m
Complete System of Residues Modulo n
A collection of R={r1,…,rn}βŠ†Z is said to be a complete system of residues modulo n if they are pairwise incongruent modulo n, meaning that for any x,y∈R, if xβ‰ y then xβ‰’y(modn)
Equality is the Same as Congruent in a Complete System of Residues Modulo n
Suppose that RβŠ†Z is a complete system of residues modulo n, then for any x,y∈R x=y⟺x≑y(modn)
Complete and Incomplete Systems Modulo n
Prove that 0,21,…,29 is a complete system of residues modulo 11 but 0,31,…,39 is not.
A Complete System of Residues Modulo n Hits all Possible Residues
Suppose that r1,r2,…,rn is a complete system of residues modulo n, then prove that for each r∈[0,…,nβˆ’1] there exists some i∈[1,…n] such that ri≑r(modn) Moreover this mapping f:Rβ†’[0,…,nβˆ’1] is a bijection.

Note the mapping f(ri) is simply riΒ %Β n.

The Multiples of a Complete System of Residues Mod n is still a Complete System of Residues Mod n
Suppose that R={r1,r2,…rn} is a complete system of residues modulo n and a∈Z such that gcd(a,n)=1 then A={ar1,ar2,…,arn} is a complete system of residues modulo n
Product of Non-Zero Residues Yields Factorial
Suppose that R={r1,r2,…rn} is a complete system of residues modulo n such that rnΒ %Β n=0, then ∏i=1nβˆ’1ri≑(nβˆ’1)!(modn)
There are 22 Possibilities for the Last Two Digits of a Square
As per title.