
Topology on a set X

A topology on X is a collection T of subsets of X , that is: it is a subset of the P ( X ) , with the following properties:

  1. , X T
  2. Suppose { U α } is a family of sets in T then
  3. Suppose { U i } i = 1 n is a finite family of set in T then
The set X along with T satsifying the above conditions is called a topological space and is denoted by ( X , T )
Open set
Suppose ( X , T ) is a topological space, if U T then we say that U is open with respect to X .
a set filled with open sets is open
Let X be a topological space, and A X . Suppose that for each x A there is an open set U containing x such that U A . Show that A is open in X .

Since for each x A , there is an open set U x such that x U x A , then A is covered by subsets, therefore it is a union, and we can write A = x A U x

Since each U x was assumed to be open with respect to X , then an arbitrary union of them is also open with respect to X , in other words A must be open.

finer and coarser topologies

suppose that T and T are two topologies on a given set X . If T T , then T is finer than T . If the reverse inclusion is true, then we say that T is coarser than T , there are also strict variations of these definitions for the strict inclusions.

comparable topologies

given two topologies, they are comparable if at least one is finer than the other