🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Suppose that nN1 and acop(n), then we define o(a,n):=min({kN1:ak1(modn)})
Order Exists iff There is a Power that Yields 1
As per title.
Order Exists iff Coprime
We have that acop(n) iff o(a,n) exists
Primitive Roots are a Subset of Coprimes
Every Prime number has a Primitive Root
For any pP, pr(p)
Connection Between Primitive Roots of pk and 2 pk
Let pP3, kN1 and apr(pk) apr(2pk)aZodd
Order of a Primitive Root mod the next Power
Let pP and kN1 and suppose that apr(pk) then opk+1(a){ϕ(pk),ϕ(pk+1)}
When a Primitive Remains a Primitive Root mod the next Power
Suppose apr(pk) and opk+1(a)opk(a) then apr(pk+1)
Every Power of an odd Prime has a Primitive Root
Let pP3 be an odd prime, then pk has a primitive root for every kN1.
Classification of the Existence of Primitive Roots
Let nN2, then pr(n) iff n2,4,pk,2pk where pP3 and kN1.
A Number to the Phi n over Two is Congruent to 1 When it is not a Primitive Root
Let nN3 such that pr(n)=, and ccop(n), then we have cϕ(n)21(modn)