🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

Basis for a Set

a basis for a set X is a collection of subsets of X called basis elements such that

  1. for each xX, there is at least one basis element B containing x
  2. if x belongs in the intersection of two basis elements B1 and B2, then there is a basis element B3 containing x such that B3B1B2
Intervals With Rational Endpoints Are a Basis for the Real Numbers
The set J:={(a,b):a<bQ} is a basis for R.
Half Open Intervals With Rational Endpoints Are a Basis for the Real Numbers
The set {[a,b):a<bQ} is a basis for R
collection generated by a basis
Given a basis we define the set G by UG iff for each xU there is a B such that xB and BU
G is a topology
The collection G is a topology
topology generated by a basis
Since a collection generated by a basis turns out to be a topology we define 𝒯:=G and call it the topology generated by
basis for a topology
We say that is a basis for a topology 𝒯 when 𝒯 =𝒯. In this case we may also say that generates 𝒯
basis elements are open in a generated topology
Suppose we have the topology 𝒯, then given any B, BT𝒷, in other words T
Topology Generated by a Basis Consists of Unions
𝒯 equals the collection of all unions of elements of , that is: TB={B𝒮B:𝒮}
basis criterion
Let (X,𝒯) be a topological space. Suppose that 𝒞 is a collection of open sets of X such that for each open set U of X and each xU, there is an element C of 𝒞 such that xCU. Then 𝒞 is a basis and 𝒯𝒞=𝒯
basis finer equivalence
Let and be bases for the topologies 𝒯 and 𝒯, respectively on X. Then the following are equivalent:
  1. 𝒯 is finer than 𝒯
  2. for each xX and each basis element B containing x there is a basis element B such that xBB
topology equality with basis
Given two bases and for the toplogies 𝒯 and 𝒯 on X, then 𝒯=𝒯 if and only if all of the following hold:
  • for each xX and each basis element B containing x there is a basis element B such that xBB
  • for each xX and each basis element B containing x there is a basis element B such that xBB
The Real Intervals With Rational Endpoints Generate Generate the Standard Topology
The countable basis for R : {(a,b):a<bQ} generates the standard topology on R
The Topology Generated by the Half Open Intervals With Rational Endpoints Is Strictly Corser Lower Limit Topology
Let B={[a,b):a<bQ}, then TBT
standard topology on n
Let be the collection of all sets of the form {yn:xy<ϵ} for any xn and ϵ>0, then the topology generated by is called the standard topology on the n. Whenever we consider n, we shall suppose it is given this topology unless we specifically state otherwise
lower limit topology on R
If B is the collection of all half-open intervals of the form [a, b) = {x | a ≤ x \lt b}, where a \lt b, the topology generated by B is called the lower limit topology on R. When R is given the lower limit topology, we denote it by Rl
K topology
Finally let K denote the set of all numbers of the form 1/n, for n ∈ Z+, and let B be the collection of all open intervals (a, b), along with all sets of the form (a, b) − K. The topology generated by B will be called the K-topology on R. When R is given this topology, we denote it by RK
A subbasis S for a topology on X is a collection of subsets of X whose union equals X. The topology generated by the subbasis S is defined to be the collection 𝒯 of all unions of finite intersections of elements of S
intersections of subbasis elements forms a basis
Given a subbasis S, then the collection of finite intersections of elements of S is a basis, which we denote by S
topology generated by a subbasis
Given a subbasis S, we know that this induces a basis S, and therefore a topology 𝒯S which we call the topology generated by the subbasis S.
subbasis for a topology
We say that S is a subbasis for the topology 𝒯 when 𝒯S=𝒯
The Topology Generated by a Basis Equals the Intersection of All Topologies That Contain That Basis
Let A be a basis, and let A be the collection of all topologies T such that AT, then TA=A