Closed Set
A subset A of a topological space X is said to be closed in X if X A is open in X

Note: When X is known by context then we may say A is closed to mean that A is closed in X

Closed Topology
Suppose that X is a topological space, then the following conditions hold:
  • and X are closed
  • arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed
  • finite unions of closed sets are closed

The complement of , X in X are X , respectively, which are both open in X , making the original sets closed

Suppose that { A α } α I is a collection of closed sets, then we know that X α I A α = α I ( X A α ) , and since each A β is closed then X A β is open, making α I ( X A α ) an arbitrary union of open sets, and is thus open, making X α I A α open

Now suppose that I is finite, and we'll show that X α I A α is open, we know this set is equal to α I ( X A α ) , and as a finite intersection of open sets, we know it is open as well showing the original set is open

Closed in a Subspace if and only if it's an Intersection
Let Y be a subspace of X , then a set A is closed in Y if and only if it equals the intersection of a closed set of X with Y

Let's start by assuming that we have a set A = C Y where C is closed in X , therefore X C is open in X , therefore Y ( X C ) is open in Y

Note that Y ( X C ) = ( X Y ) C = ( X Y ) ( C Y ) = Y A (where the last step is justified since we know Y X ), this shows that Y A is open, meaning that A is closed in Y

Now let's assume that A is closed in Y , therefore A Y and Y A is open in Y , meaning that there is some set U open in X such that Y A = Y U

Let's note that Y ( Y A ) = ( Y A ) ( Y Y ) = A = A so that

A = Y ( Y A ) = Y ( Y U ) = ( Y Y ) ( Y U ) = Y U = ( X Y ) U = Y ( X U )

Since X U is closed in X this shows that A equals the intersection of a closed set with Y as needed.

Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space, then the interior of A is defined to as the union of all open sets contained in A and is denoted by Int ( A )
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space, then the closure of A is defined to as the intersection of all closed sets containing A and is denoted by A ¯
The Closure is Closed
Int ( A ) is closed
The closure of A is defined as S A S where each S is a closed set, to show it's closed, we must show that X S A S is open which we can see since it equals S A ( X S ) and thus is an arbitrary union of open sets so it is open.
The Interior is Open
A ¯ is open
The interior is an arbitrary union of open sets, and is thus open.
Closed Supersets are Supersets of the Closure
Suppose that A ¯ is the closure of A in a topological space, then given an closed set A U we have A ¯ U
Open Subsets are Subsets of the Interior
Suppose that Int ( A ) is the interior of A in a topological space, then given an open set U A we have U Int ( A )
Interior is Smaller, Closure is Bigger
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space, then we have Int ( A ) A A ¯
Open Sets Equal their Interior
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space X , then A is open if and only if A = Int ( A )

Suppose that A is the collection of open sets which are also subsets of A , since A is open then A A , then A ¯ = A = ( A { A } ) A , since each element in A { A } is a subset of A , then so is the union, thus ( A { A } ) A = A as needed.

The other direction is easier, suppose that A = Int ( A ) , then Int ( A ) is open, then so is A as needed.

Closed Sets Equal their Closure
If A is a subset of a topological space X , then A is closed if and only if A = A ¯

Suppose that A is the collection of closed sets which are also supersets of A , then A ¯ = A = ( A { A } ) A , and since each element in A { A } is a superset of A , then so is it's intersection, therefore ( A { A } ) A = A

Now suppose that A = A ¯ , since A ¯ is closed then we know A is closed

Closure in a Subspace is an Intersection
Let Y be a subspace of X and A Y , then suppose that A ¯ is the closure of A in X , then the closure of A in Y equals A ¯ Y

Set B equal to the closure of A in Y , since A ¯ is closed in X , then we know that A ¯ Y is closed in Y , also note that A A ¯ Y because we know A A ¯ and A Y so we can conclude B ( A ¯ Y )

On the other hand, we know that B is closed in Y , thus B = C Y for some set C closed in X , we recall that A B so that A ( C Y ) , therefore A C showing that C is a closed set containing A , thus A ¯ C so that ( A ¯ Y ) ( C Y ) = B , as needed.

In a topological space X and a point x X then if U is an open set containing x then we say that U is a neighborhood of x
Closure Intersection Equivalence
x A ¯ if and only if neighborhood of x intersects A

We prove the contrapositive, that is x A ¯ iff there is some open set U containing x that doesn't intersect A

Suppose that x A ¯ , since A ¯ is closed, then U = X A ¯ must be open and containing x and since A A ¯ , we know U doesn't intersect A , as needed.

Now the reverse direction: assuming that we have some open set U containing x that doesn't intersect A , we have A X U and X U is closed therefore A ¯ X U , so that A ¯ U = , since we know x U we know that x A ¯ as needed.

Closure Basis Intersection Equivalence
Suppose that a basis B generates a topology T , then x A ¯ if and only if every basis element B containing x intersects A

Suppose that x A ¯ , therefore every open set containing x intersects A , now suppose that B B , since it is open, then we know that B intersects A

Now suppose that every basis element containing x intersects A , and we'd like to show that x A ¯ which is equivalent to every open set containing x intersecting A , so suppose that U T since B generates T , then there is some B B such that x B U since A intersects B then it also intersects U as needed.