๐Ÿ—๏ธ ฮ˜ฯฯตฮทฮ ฮฑฯ„ฯ€๐Ÿšง (under construction)

T1 Space
A space X is called T1 diff for every xโ‰ yโˆˆX there exists UโˆˆTX such that xโˆ‰U and yโˆˆU

There are a few ways of saying the above, such as the set Xโงต{x} is open.

Limit Point Iff Every Neighborhood Contains Infinitely Many Points
Suppose AโŠ†X where X is a T1 space then xโˆˆAโ€ฒ if and only if every neighborhood U of x contains infinitely many points of A
Suppose that (T,X) is a topological space, then a sequence of points (xn) in X is said to converge to the point cโˆˆX provided that for each neighborhood of c, there exists some NโˆˆN1 such that for all nโ‰ฅN, we have xnโˆˆU
Convergence Iff All but Finitely Many
xnโ†’x iff every neighbhorhood U of x contains all but finitely many elements of the sequence
Hausdorff Space
A topological space X is called a Hausdorff space if for each pair of points x1,x2 of distinct points of X, there exist neighborhoods U1,U2 of x1,x2 respectively that are disjoint
T2 Space
A T2 space is a hausdorff space
Unique Limits in a Hausdorff Space
In a hausdorff space a sequenc has at most one limit.
Every one point set is Closed in a Hausdorff Space
Suppose that pโˆˆX where X is a Hausdorff space, then {p} is closed
Every Finite Set is Closed in a Hausdorff Space
A Topological Space Is Hausdorff Iff the Diagonal Is Closed
Suppose that X is a topological space, then X is hausdorff iff ฮ”={(x,x):xโˆˆX} is closed in Xร—X
Pairwise Disjoint Sets for a Collection of Points in a Hausdorff Space
Suppose that X is a hausdorff space, and that x1,โ€ฆ,xn are distinct elements of X then there exists open sets U1,โ€ฆ,Un in X that are pairwise disjoint where xiโˆˆUi
A Subspace of a T2 Space Is T2
As per title.
Product of T2 Spaces Is T2
As per title.
Every Ordered Set With the Order Topology Is Hausdorff
Suppose that Y&lt; is the order topology, then Y is hausdorff, moreover given a,bโˆˆY and their disjoint neihborhoods, U,V then we have that for any u,vโˆˆU,V respectively that u<v