๐Ÿ—๏ธ ฮ˜ฯฯตฮทฮ ฮฑฯ„ฯ€๐Ÿšง (under construction)

Limit Point
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space X, then a point xโˆˆX is called a limit point of A when every neighborhood of x intersects A in some point other than x itself
Limit Point Iff Every Basis Element Containing Intersects at a Different Point
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space X which is generated by a basis B , then a point xโˆˆX is a limit point when every basis element B continaing x intersects A in some point other than x itself
Limit Point iff element of Closure minus a Point
x is a limit point iff xโˆˆAโงต{x}โ€•

This now shows the motivation behind the choice "limit point", when we just looked at the closure isolated points we're part of it, but now they are removed.

Limit Points are a Subset of Closure
Suppose that A is a subset of a topological space X, if Aโ€ฒ is the set of limit points of A, then Aโ€ฒโŠ†Aโ€•
Closure Equals Limit Points Union Itself
Let A be a subset of a topological space X. If Aโ€ฒ is the set of all limit points of A, then Aโ€•=Aโ€ฒโˆชA
The Closure Is the Union of a and the Limits Points of a That Are Not in A
Let A be a subset of a topological space X, and let B=XโงตA then Aโ€•=AโŠ”(Aโ€ฒโˆฉB)
A Subset of a Topological Space is Closed if and only if it contains all it's Limit Points
Suppose A is a subset of a topological space X then it is closed if and only if it contains it's limit points
Closed Iff Every Point Outside the Set Is Not a Limit Point
Suppose A is a subset of a topological space X then it is closed if and only for every point xโˆˆXโงตA, then x is not a limit point.