🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

A path in a topological space X is a continuous function γ:[0,1]X

Note that we will say γ is a path in X to mean that the output space is X

Shared Ends
Given paths γa,γb, we say that they have shared ends when γa(0)=γb(0) and γa(1)=γb(1)
Path Homotopic
Given paths γa,γb with shared ends, we say that they are path homotopic and write γ0~γ1 if there exists a continuous function H:[0,1]×[0,1]X such that H(s,0)=γa(s) and H(s,1)=γb(s) and H(0,t)=γa(0)=γb(0) and H(1,t)=γa(1)=γb(1)

We reference this relation as path homotopy.

Path Homotopy Is Invariant Modulo Continuous Function Composition
If γ is a path in X and if F:XY is continuous, we define a path in Y by Fγ. Show that if γ0 and γ1 are path homotopic in X then Fγ0 and Fγ1 are path homotopic in Y.
Path Homotopy Is an Equivalence Relation
As per title.

Since we we have an equivalence relation, then we know that we can form equivalence classes of the form [γ]={γ:γ~γ}. We call these homotopy classes of paths.

Path Concatenation
Given paths γa,γb such that γa(1)=γb(0) then we define γa·γ2(t)={γa(2t) if t12γb(2t1) if t12
Path Concatentation Yields a Path
Given paths γa,γb such that γa(1)=γb(0) then γa·γb is a path
Path Homotopy Leads to Concatenation Homotopy
Suppose that γa~γb and γc~γd then we have γa·γc~γb·γd
Closed Path
Suppose that γ is a path, then we say that it is closed when: γ(0)=γ(1)
Fundamental Group Based at a Point
Suppose that X is a topological space and that pX then we define π1(X,p)={[γ]:γ is a closed path in X}
The Fundamental Group Is a Group With Concatenation
As per title.
Homotopic Functions
Given X and Y topological spaces, and two continuous functions Fa:XY and Fb:XY. Then we say that they are homotopic if there exists a continuous function H:X×[0,1]Y such that for all xX, H(x,0)=Fa(x) and H(x,1)=Fb(x) In that case, we write Fa~Fb.

We call this relation function homotopy. An easy way to think about this is that H takes us continuously from Fa to Fb

Function Homotopy Is an Equivalence Relation
As per title.
Function Homotopy Leads to Composition Homotopy
Prove that if A,B:XY and C,D:YZ are continuous and if A~B via H1 and C~D via H2 then CA~DB.
A function f:XY between two topological spaces is said to be nullhomotopic when it is homotopic to a constant function c:XY where c(x)=y0 for all xX
Simply Connected
We say that a topological space X is simply connected if it is path connected and π(X,p)={e} for some pX
Rn Is Simply Connected
TODO: Add the content for the corollary here.

Also note that any convex subset of Rn is also simply connected, for example a ball.

Simply Connected Iff Any Two Paths With Shared Ends Are Homotopic
A topological space X is simply connected if and only if given any two paths γa and γb with shared ends in X they are path homotopic.
Simply Connected Iff Every Circle Function Is Nullhomotopic
X is simply connected iff every condtinuous function λ:S1X is nullhomotopic
Circle Representative and Simply Connected Equivalences
Suppose that X is a topological space, the the following are equivalent
  1. Every map S1X is homotopic to a constant map, with image a point.
  2. Every map S1X extends to a map D2X.
  3. π1(X·x0)=0 for all x0X

Note that the above allows us to deduce that a space X is simply-connected iff all maps S1X are homotopic. [In this problem, "homotopic" means "homotopic without regard to basepoints".] This exercise essentially shows that a space is simply-connected if and only if it has no "holes".

A Continous Function From S1 to S2 Is Homotopic to the Same Which Is Not Surjective
Any function λ:S1S2 is homotopic to a continuous λ0:S1S2 which is not surjective
S2 Is Simply Connected
As per title.

Note that we have shown that every continuous function from S1S2 is homotopic to the constant function, and therefore by what we showed in the previous question we conclude that S2 is connected.

Given a continuous surjection p:EB we say that p is a covering if there exists an open cover OC of B such that for every UOC there is a discrete set D and a homomorphism ϕ:U×Dp1(U) such that pϕ=πU is the projection on the first component.
Evenly Covered
Let p:EB be a continuous surjective map. The open set U of B is said to be evenly covered by p if the inverse image p1(U) can be written as the union of disjoint open sets Vα in E such that for each α, the restriction of p to Vα is a homeomorphism of Vα onto U. The collection {Vα} will be called a partition of p1(U) into slices.
If π:EB is a covering map and f:XB is continuous then a lift of f is any continuous map f~:XE such that f=πf~
Path Lifting
If π:(E,e0)(B,b0) is a covering map, then for all paths γ:IB with γ(0)=b0, there exists a unique map γ~:IE lifting γ with γ~(0)=e0.

Suppose that definition 1 holds true, since we have an open cover OC of B then let UOC and by assumption we obtain a discrete set D and a homeomorphism ϕ:U×Dp1(U) such that pϕ=πU, with this discrete set we consider Ud:=ϕ(U×{d})E so that p1(U)=dDUd because D was a discrete set and since ϕ is a homeomorphism and thus a bijection, none of the images collide.

We will now prove that pUd is a homeomorphism Ud with U, so first we show that it is a bijection, but since we see that p(Ud)=p(ϕ(U×{d}))=πU(U×{d})=U so then it is a surjection onto U, and also if pUd(x)=pUd(y) for x,yUd then we have pUd(ϕ(ϕ1(x)))=pUd(ϕ(ϕ1(y))) since ϕ is invertible but then function composition is associative so that is equivalent to πUU×{d}(x)=πUU×{d}(y) meaning that x=y so that it is injective as well.

Now we verify continuity we use a similar inverse trick, first verifying that: p1(V)=ϕ(ϕ1(p1(V)))=ϕ(πU1(V)) and since πU is continuous and ϕ is a homeomorphism, this shows that p1(V) is open. Now in a similar fashion we check that p(V)=p(ϕ(ϕ1(V)))=πU(ϕ1(V)) which is also open since ϕU is an open map and ϕ is a homeomorphism.

Now suppose that definition 2 holds true, again take UOC and so we have that p1(U) is a union of disjoint open sets UβE and let D=B in the discrete topology, and if we define ϕ:U×Dp1(U) via ϕ(u,d)=(pUd)1(U) which is well defined only because we assumed that pUd is a homeomorphism also showing that it is bijective. Moreover we have that pϕ(u,d)=p(p1(u))=u so that we have pϕ=πU.

Let Vp1(U) be an open set, since p1(U) is a disjoint union of open sets then we can intersect each of those sets with V to obtain a collection {Vβ} which is a disjoint union of V so that ϕ1(V)=β(ϕ1(Vβa))=β(pUβ)(Vβ) which is open as pUβ is a homeomorphism.

Now suppose that VU×D then V=dG(u,d) where GD then we have ϕ(V)=dG(pUd)1(u) which is open as pUd is a homeomorphism, thus ϕ is a homeomorphism, as needed.

Covering Alternate Characterization
Given a continuous surjection p:EB it is a covering iff there is an open cover OC of B such that for every UOC it is evenly covered by p
Locally Path Connected
A space X is called "locally path connected" if for every xX and every open set UX with xU, there is a path-connected open set V such that xVU.
Connected Covering Yields a Lift
Show that if p:(E,e0)(B,b0) is a covering, if (X,x0) is path connected, locally path connected, and simply connected and if ψ:(X,x0)(B,b0) is given, then there is a unique ψ¯:(X,x0)(B,b0) such that pψ¯=ψ. Hint. For every point yX there is a path from x0 to y and it can be lifted. But does this define ψ¯ uniquely? Is the result continuous?
Lifting Criterion
Let p:(E,e0)(B,b0) is a covering and let f:(X,x0)(B,b0) be a a map with X path-connected and locally path-connected. Then f lifts to f~:(X,x0)(E,e0) iff f*(π1(X,x0))p*(π1(E,e0))

Note that if X is simply conntected then you know that π1(X,x0) is trivial and thus f*(π1(X,x0)) is a trivial loop in B (the constant b0 loop), which is an element of p*(π1(E,e0)) so the from the iff holds and we get what we wanted.

To show that it still remains a group, we first verify that we have an identity, which is simply (eG,eH) as we see (eG,eH)(g,h)=(eGg,eHh)=(g,h)=(geG,heH)=(g,h)(eG,eH)

Inverses are almost as easy, as we take (g,h)1=(g1,h1) because we have (g,h)(g1,h1)=(eG,eH) and (h,g)(h1,g1)=(eH,eG)

Finally we note that multiplication is associative (g1,h1)((g2,h2)(g3,h3))=(g1,h1)((g2g3,h2h3))=(g1(g2g3),h1(h2h3))=((g1g2)g3,(h1h2)h3)=((g1,h1)(g2,h2))(g3,h3)

The Fundamental Group of a Product Is Isomorphic to a Product of Fundamental Groups
If (X,x0) and ( y,y0) are based spaces, we let (X,x0)×(Y,y0) be the based space (X×Y,(xo,y0)). Show that π1((X,x0)×(Y,y0))π1(X,x0)×π1(Y,y0)

People often ignore basepoints and write π1(X×Y)=π1(X)×π1(Y), but that's a bit less accurate.

The Fundamental Group of the Figure 8 Is in Bijection to the Free Group of Two Elements
Let 8 be the space that looks like the numeral 8 , with the basepoint in the centre. Use the "Mexican cross" covering of 8 to show that π1(8) is equal, as a set, to the set of words of the form W={aα1bβ1aα2bβ2aαnbβn: such that 1}, where 1: n is a positive integer and αi and βi are non-zero integers for all i, except that α1 is allowed to be 0 and βn is allowed to be 0 . (For simplicity we ignore the group structure on π1(8) here).
https://etnyre.math.gatech.edu/class/6441Spring21/Section%20IE.pdf - review the ending Lemma 1.35 (Lifting criterion). https://www.math.utoronto.ca/mgualt/MAT1300/Week%204%20Term%202.pdf - uniqueness https://dept.math.lsa.umich.edu/~jchw//2022Math592Material/Homework5-Math592-W2022.pdf If G and H are groups, we define a multiplication on G×H by (g1,h1)(g2,h2)=(g1g2,h1h2). mark.com/assignments/homework-assignment-9-c4f86/preview Homework Assignment 9 preview | Crowdmark A. (5 points) Verify that G×H is again a group. use the below to solve B https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2655918/prove-that-pi-1x-times-y-x-0-y-0-is-isomorphic-to-pi-1x-x-0-times-p Let 8 be the space that looks like the numeral 8 , with the basepoint in the centre. Use the "Mexican cross" covering of 8 to show that π1(8) is equal, as a set, to the set of words of the form aα1bβ1aα2bβ2aαnbβn, where n is a positive integer and αi and βi are non-zero integers for all i, except that α1 is allowed to be 0 and βn is allowed to be 0 . (For simplicity we ignore the group structure on π1(8) here).