🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

A separation of X are two open and non-empty disjoint sets A,B such that X=AB

When a separation can be found for X then we say that X is separable.

We say that AX is clopen when A is open and A is closed
Separation Iff There Exists a Non-trivial Clopen Set
A set X is separable iff there exists some clopen AX such that A,X
We say that X is connected if it is non-empty and it has no separation
Connected Iff Every Clopen Is Trivial
X is connected iff every clopen set AX is one of ,X
Intermediate Value
Suppose that X is connected and f:XR is continuous, then for any x0,x1X such that f(x0)<0 and f(x1)>0 then there is some pX such that f(p)=0
Circle Function Has a Meet Point
Let f:S1R be continuous, show that there is some zS1 such that f(z)=f(z)
A path from a to b (which are elements of a set X) is a function γ:[0,1]X which is continuous, and we have that γ(0)=a and that γ(1)=b
Path Connected
A non-empty set X is said to be path-connected if for any a,bX there is a path between them.
Path Connected Implies Connected
As per title.
The Topologists Sine Curve Is Connected but Not Path Connected
Consider S={(x,sin(1x))} and then we have S¯={0}×[1,1] which we denote as the topologists sine curve, then S¯ is connected but not path connected

Note that due to the above theorem it's not true that the closure of any path connected set is always path connected, this is seen with S={(x,sin(1x))} is clearly path connected via the given map, but as noted above S¯ is not path connected.

Balls in Rn Are Path Connected
Suppose that xRn and that ϵR>0 then B(x,ϵ) is path connected
Any Open Connected Subset of Rn Is Path-connected
Suppose that URn is open and connected, then U is path connected
Open Cover
Given a topological space X and a subset SX, an open cover of S is a collection of open sets {Uα}αA (where A is an index set) such that: SαAUα
Suppose that C is a cover of SX then we say that a set SC is a subcover of S if S is an open cover of it
Given a set SX in a topological space X it is compact if every open cover of S has a finite subcover
The Finite Complement Topology on an Uncountable Space Is Compact
Suppose that X is an uncountable set with the finite complement topology, then X is compact.
The Countable Complement Toplogy on an Uncountable Set May Not Be Compact
Suppose that X is uncountable, then in the countable-complement topology X may not be compact.
Every Compact Subspace of a Hausdorff Space Is Closed
As per title.
Every Compact Subspace of a Metric Space Is Closed and Bounded
Every compact subspace A of a metric space M is closed and bounded.

Note that the converse of the above is not true, for that we just have to consider an infinite space X endowed with the discrete topology, in such a case X is metrizable from the discrete metric d, we can see the the space is bounded because XBd(p,1.1) for any pX, moreover X is closed in itself, but on the other hand if we consider the open cover which is {{x}:xX} then any finite subcover will only have finitely many elements of X and since X was infinite, then we have a contradiction, so it must be the case that it is not compact.

Every Closed Subspace of a Compact Space Is Compact
TODO: Add the content for the proposition here.
The Image of a Compact Set Under a Continuous Function Is Compact
TODO: Add the content for the proposition here.
Hausdorff Spaces Separate Compact Subspaces and Points
If Y is a compact subspace of a hausdorff space X and x0 is not in Y, then there exist disjoint open sets U and V of X containing x0 and Y respectively.
Disjoint Compact Subspaces of a Hausdorff Space Can Be Separated
Suppose that A,B are disjoint compact subsets of a Hausdorff space X then there exists disjoint open sets U,V such that AU and BV
A Continuous Function From a Compact Space to a Hausdorff Space Is Closed
Suppose that f:XY is continuous where X is compact and Y is hausdorff, then f is closed.
There Is Always Space for an Open Rectangle Between a Cartesian Product of Compact Spaces and an Open Set Containing Them
Suppose that X,Y are topological faces and suppose that A,BX,Y be compact spaces respectively, then suppose that W is an open set such that A×BWX×Y then there exists an open rectangle U×VX×Y such that A×BU×VW
Properties of the Infimum Metric and Compact Spaces
Let X be a metric space and let AX be non-empty. Let d(x,A)=infaAd(x,a) and let Uϵ(A)={x:d(x,A)<ϵ}.
  1. Show that d(x,A)=0 iff xA
  2. Show that if A is compact then d(x,A)=d(x,a) for some aA
  3. Show that Uϵ(A) is the union of all the ϵ-balls whose centers lie in A
  4. If A is compact and UA is open, show that there is some ϵ>0 wherein Uϵ(A)A
  5. Find a counterexample to the result in the above if A is not assumed to be compact