🏗️ ΘρϵηΠατπ🚧 (under construction)

A metric on a set X is a function d:X×XR0 such that:
  • d(x,y)=0 iff x=y
  • d(x,y)=d(y,x)
  • The triangle inequality holds:
  • d(x,z)d(x,y)+d(y,z)
Ball in a Metric
Suppose that d is a metric then we define the ball of radius rR>0 around a point pX B(p,r)={xX:d(p,x)<r}

Before looking further lets see some examples of metrics

The Set of Open Balls Is a Basis
Suppose that X is a set, and d a metric on that set, then the collection Bd={Bd(x,ϵ):xX,ϵR0} is a basis for X
Balls in a Metric Are Open
TODO: Add the content for the proposition here.
Metric Topology Induced by a Metric d
Suppose that d is a metric on a set X, then the metric topology induced by d is the topology generated by Bd (the open balls basis)
All Metric Topologies Are T2

Note that this shows that the metric topologies are a subset of the T2 topologies, since we know not every topology is T2, then we know that not every topology is metrizable.

Sequential Closure
Suppose that X is a topological space and AX then we define the sequential closure of A as seq_cl(A)={xX:(xn):N1A s.t. xnx}
Zero Is Part of the Closure of Positive Sequences in the Box Topology, but Not in the Sequential Closure
Let X=R in the box topology, and suppose that A is the set of all positive sequences, then consider the zero sequence 0=(0,0,0,) then
  • 0cl(A)
  • 0seq_cl(A)
The Sequential Closure Is a Subset of the Closure
The Sequential Closure Is the Same as the Closure in a Metrizable Space
If X is metrizable and AX then seq_cl(A)=cl(A)
A Topological Space Is Metrizable
If X is a topological space then X is said to be metrizable if there exists a metric d which induces the topology of X
The Max of Two Metrics Is a Metric
Suppose that d1,d2 are metrics on X then d=max(d1,d2) is also a metric
The Product of Two Metrizable Spaces Is Metrizable
As per title.
R×R in the Dictionary Order Topology Is Metrizable
As per title.
The Metric Is Continuous in Its Metric Space
Let X be a metric space with metric d then d is continuous
The Metric Topology Is the Coarsest Topology Such That the Metric Is Continuous
Suppose that X is a metric space for d and X is a topology where d is continuous then we have XX
Bounded Metric on R
Suppose that d is a metric on R then it's bounded counterpart is d(x,y)=min(|xy|,1)
Uniform Metric
Given an index set J, and given points 𝐱=(xα)αJ and 𝐲=(yα)αJ of J, let us define a metric ρ¯ on J by the equation ρ¯(𝐱,𝐲)=sup{d¯(xα,yα)αJ} where d¯ is the bounded metric on
Uniform Topology
The uniform topology is the one induced by the uniform metric
Closure of R in RN in the Uniform Topology
The closure of R in RN in the uniform topology is equal to all sequences that converge to 0.
Infinite Product of Intervals in the Uniform Topology
Suppose we are in the context of the uniform topology, making the following definition for any xRN and r(0,1) we define U(x,r)=k(xkr,xk+r) then
  • U(x,r)Br(x)
  • U(x,r) is not open
  • Br(x)=s<rU(x,s)